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parallax [par-uh-laks] noun: the apparent displacement
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Highlights of the Day
“Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy,”
Dr. Russell Blaylock, Technocracy News & Trends, 11 May 2020
Moral Courage and Our Common Future
Foreword to Plague of Corruption Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense, 12 May 2020
“Lockdown only pushes the severe cases into the future – it will not prevent them”
—Prof. Johan Giesecke
Collapsologie Immersion
The End Is The Beginning
late to the game and eager to learn:
华为云容器全景图,加速互联网引爆5G创新_网易科技:1 天前 · (原标题:华为云容器全景图,加速互联网引爆5G创新) 互联网人都知道,"容器"的出现给传统应用上云提供了快车道,也为云服务全面承载数字 ...
Collapsologie is the study and elaboration of how industrial
civilization as we know it collapses and if it does, what
will replace it. Industrial civilization is the use of
machinery powered by electricity or any form of energy to
carry out various activities. Collapsologie is a neologism
developed by Pablo Servigne and Raphaël Stevens in
their 2015 book.
In an interview, recalling
all the data and increasingly
disturbing scientific alarms, the authors are calling
for an end to denial: “we accept that disasters can
occur: they are looming, we must look at them with courage,
eyes wide open. To be a catastrophist is neither to be
pessimistic nor optimistic, it is to be lucid.”
Chernobyl: Understanding Consequences of Playing With The Poison Fire
In the Sept 1986 American Chemical Society Symposium on Low-Level
Radiation, John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D., describing what was then,
The Single Most Serious Industrial Accident Ever, stated:
It is correct to say that a single event—the Chernobyl
accident—has caused between 600,000 and a million cases
of cancer and leukemia. The radio-cesiums are on the ground,
and humans are committed to receive the doses from them. To
the extent that a share of the dose has already been received,
a share of the malignancies is already underway, even though
they will not become manifest, clinically, for years....
We can predict with high confidence
that an honest study of the proposed population sample will
simply confirm—but decades from now—the magnitude of
radiation production of cancer, a magnitude we know quite well
prior to such a study....
The existing human evidence provides a solid basis for assessing
the Chernobyl toll. The credible lower-limit of malignancies
from the cesium fallout is approximately 640,000 cases, and
a credible upper-limit is probably 1,600,000 malignancies.
23 years later, Dr. Gofman’s projections were
borne out with the compendium release of
Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment
(Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, Vol 1181, Dec 2009)
which concluded 985,000 people died between 1986 and 2004 as a
result of biosphere contamination of radioactive matter released from the
detonation of Unit 4’s reactor core.
The Chernobyl and Fukushima catastrophes have caused, are causing,
and will continue to cause living and dying agony and nightmares for
untold generations and millenia. The purpose of this archive of
historically significant source materials is to assist younger
people—and as many others as possible—in
learning about our true history, how our world actually
operates, and re-mind how we must collectively weigh the consequences
of every decision our species makes, reflecting on and being
informed by the vital numinous awareness that all Life is sacred,
and that the needs of the future, of all life yet unborn, must
guide every choice and decision made in the present.
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10 June 2019: 56 Years On & Inauguration of
ratical earth journal
breakdown = Strange Fruit of Capitalism’s Invisible Army: A Heritage of Stone
breakthru = Shifting from Domination to Partnership via eXtinction Rebellion
In concert with its creation of Capitalism’s Invisible Army,
LAWCAP’s decision at the close of the 1940s to start World War
III in order to keep capitalism in business resulted in our illegitimate
corporate state both being wedded to denial of increasing global overheat,
one of the vilest deceptions in history, and our unaccountable U.S.
Intelligence Police operating beyond the strictures of law, as
formal federal policy, by daily committing several hundred crimes including
terrorism, assassination, torture, and systematic violations of human
rights. A primary root of this mind-bending criminal government lawlessness
is a direct result and outgrowth of the assassination of President
Kennedy by key elements within our Intelligence Police. Our law-breaking,
illegitimate government continues to exponentially expand its death
operations via policies carried out by CIA and Pentagon-based funding.
For our species to survive this evolutionary moment, it is imperative
to accelerate the shift from this collapsing dominator system to one
based on partnership. As co-creators of our own evolution, we can
choose the alternative of breakthrough rather than breakdown.
Willful U.S. criminal inaction on the ecological crisis threatening Life
Security throughout Mother Earth requires non-violent rebellion
to change course away from the dead-end future of a mass extinction
event while determining what options still exist to be acted upon in
the face of this unfolding crisis era of ecological emergency we are
by day sinking evermore deeply into. The requirement for this
regenerative process of collective involvement in a truly democratic
dynamic to determine best strategies to deal with and respond to the
climate and ecological emergency becoming evermore dire can be a
driver and catalyst for accelerating the shift from domination to
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Losing Earth?
Realign with Original Free Peoples’ Great Law and Find Her Again
18 November 2018
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The law prevails, what we call the Great Law, the common law,
the natural law. The law says if you poison your water,
you’ll die. The law says that if you poison the air,
you’ll suffer. The law says if you degrade where you
live, you’ll suffer. The law says all of this. If you
don’t learn that then you can only suffer. There’s
no discussion with this law.
—Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper, Chief, Onondaga, 1991
Indigenous peoples offer possibilities for life after empire,
possibilities that neither erase the crimes of colonialism nor
require the disappearance of the original peoples colonized
under the guise of including them as individuals.
—Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, 2014
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This work is about the liberation of our nations and peoples from
the behavioral patterns and language system of domination. It is
about restoration and healing for our nations and peoples based
on our love of and spiritual connection to the land, our
languages, our sacred and ceremonial places, and our original
free and independent existence as nations extending back before a
Western notion of time.
—Steven Newcomb, 2018
A fundamental blindspot in U.S. society revolves around the question: Where did all this land we call the United States come from? The ongoing legacy of denial of how what is today called the United States came to be and how that has played out over 400-plus years into the 21st century postpones life -nurturing and -respecting timelines from manifesting. Extraordinary possibilities exist for life after empire, provided we as the inheritors of the Empire Domination Model of Christianity are willing to redeem the consequences of the past evermore becoming present. Genocide, dispossession, colonization, forms the core of U.S. history, the very source of the country’s existence. Will it be the future as well? The choice is ours. An analysis of the steadfast denial of the actual foundations and development of U.S. society and culture is explored here with regard to the catastrophic, accelerating changes to Earth’s climate reaching critical mass in recent decades. The way forward requires reestablishing adherence to the Great Law, of reawakening to the spiritual reality of Earth, of Life itself, and throughout the seasons conducting ceremonies of thanksgiving for the Life-giving energies Earth bestows upon all of Creation. |
Toward a Paradigm Change for Mother Earth
Understanding the Empire Domination Model of Christianity: A Way of Liberation Steven Newcomb Delivers Keynote on Original Free Nations and Peoples
Spotlight of Indigenous Peoples Plenary,
2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions, 19 Oct 2015
I want to acknowledge the
ancestors who have loved the land through ceremonial
conduct and prayers, based on their insight about the need for sacred
relations with Mother Earth, with pristine Waters, and with Life
in all its forms and manifestations. I want to acknowledge the
original free and independent existence of our Nations and
Peoples extending back to the beginning of time through our oral
histories and our oral traditions. Yesterday I listened with interest to the plenary session on
climate change. It occurred to me that working on climate change
without working on Paradigm Change would be a grave mistake. We
need a mental and behavioral shift away from the prevailing
paradigm of domination, dehumanization, and greed, the symptoms
of which are everywhere on planet Earth, our Mother.
More than five centuries ago, various popes in Rome, on behalf of
Christendom, unleashed the paradigm I’m talking about. It
may surprise you to learn that the Empire Domination Model of
Christianity was woven by jurists into the laws and policies of
the United States, and into the laws and policies of many other
countries, such as Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. That
hidden code of Christian Empire has worked for more than five
centuries toward the dissolution of our Original Nations and
Peoples here on Great Turtle Island and Abya Yala to the south....
We invite you to walk with us on the Sacred Path, in honor of the
first principle of our Original Nations: “Respect the Earth
as our Mother and have a Sacred Regard for All Living
Things.” End the domination. All Our Relations. Wanishi.
企业怎么上国外网站?如何访问国际互联网?-广东云杰通信 ...:2021-10-31 · 经济全球化大环境下,众多中国企业都将业务拓展到海外,寻求渠道机会,提升交易效率。同时,越来越多的外资企业进入中国大陆市场,在中国开设分公司,设立办事处。 可是都遇到一个必须解决掉的网络问题:中国的互联网网络并没有与欧美等地的互联网络真正实现“互联互通”。
Interview conducted by Leila Conners for The 11th Hour Research Tapes (2006)
We always said that we have been told and understand that
we’re relatives. Where our white brother will talk about
water and trees and animals and fish as resources we talk about
them as relatives. That’s a whole different perspective. If
you think that they’re relatives and you understand that
then you’re going to treat them differently.
[The Peacemaker] said that this Tree of Peace is a spiritual law and represents a spiritual law and the spiritual law is the law of Nature. He told us explicitly, Never challenge this law because you cannot prevail. You will not prevail; wrap your laws, your rules, and your conduct. He said, You, the leaders, when you’re weak as a human being, he said, this tree will give your spine strength. Wrap yourself around this tree because it’s powerful. Do not challenge the laws of Nature because you cannot, you will not, prevail. There’s a great imbalance of humanity on this Earth and the natural laws don’t abide that. Just the quality of life that comes from all the beings that are here, they’ll be denied our grandchildren. We’re destroying their well-being. We’re really destroying the efforts that they can put forward if they have the respect and knowledge. This style of talking and observation, they tell me, it’s not realistic in today’s times. I suppose not if you’re thinking in terms of Wall Street and you’re thinking in terms of power and authority. But in the long run it is absolutely the law. Mother Earth has laws and rules and one of them is balance. She will keep the balance regardless. If an element is out of balance, like the population of human beings on this Earth, She will balance it. How She does that we may not like. Most likely it’ll come with disease and this will be very democratic. It will go across people’s lives. It will go across leaders. It will go across everything because really there’s no mercy in Nature. There’s only the law and the rule. I think that’s where we fail and we’re way, way away from that. This world has to understand the importance of sharing. I know that in the structure of the United States it’s very contrary to that as people are not instructed to share. They’re instructed to gain. They’re instructed to hold to themselves. They’re instructed to gather unto themselves. And they’re rewarded for that. So you have an instruction that’s contrary, very contrary, to this whole concept, if indeed this is what you think is right. But this, I’m simply telling you what our instructions are. Operating under this, I’ve traveled to Indian Nations across North America and Central America. I’m invited to the ceremonies and I always know what’s going on. I may not understand the language and the dances may be different. But I know what is being said. It’s always the same: Thanksgiving to the Creation. Thanksgiving to the life-giving forces of the Earth. |
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Taking Back Our History – A Key Element in The Big Picture
27 July 2018
William Pepper: The magistrate, in his own report, admits that
Sirhan was in front of Bob Kennedy; in front of him. Proving
our case that Sirhan could not possibly have shot Bob from the rear.
The evidence is there.
Anyone wants to see it, anyone who wants to look at it, they can. We
urge everyone to do that. The question is how long will they be allowed
to cover this up? Will it be covered up throughout all of history?
That’s really what the goal is.... These two political assassinations
have determined the course of history like no other in our lifetime,
indeed perhaps in the history of this Republic.... Political assassinations
have existed throughout all of the history of human society. It’s
an ultimate tactic that is used when you cannot co-opt, compromise, or
control in some way a leader or an emerging dissenting force. The
ultimate way of stopping that individual, of course, is through
assassination. In the ’60s we saw four of those.
Jim Douglass: Martin Luther King had a vision for Humanity: the
Beloved Community of a just and peaceful global society and he was
prepared to move toward that as he said in his
最近网传近期外国疯狂印钞票,来购买全世界的物资,可以说 ...:今天 · 一定程度上确实可以这么说,外国当前的财政赤字金额已经达到了23万亿外元,就从今年新型冠状病毒在外国的爆发开始,6万亿外元来救市。其中有接近7000多亿外元是直接发放给外国民众的,根据当前外国民众在外国一定时.
It was published as a book after his death, The Trumpet of Conscience.
He said he was hoping to bring whole cities to a halt, beginning with
Washington D.C., through massive nonviolent civil disobedience
until poverty could be eliminated from not only the United States but
from other parts of the world and war and injustice.
He had a big vision.
That was really the beginning of my investigation. The impact
that King’s assassination had on my life and the
recognition that his vision, a hopeful, a nonviolent, a
redemptive vision for all of humanity, it went to the point
where the powers that be were not going to allow it to be
carried out. That’s why we should be demanding that the
truth be recognized and spoken.
This One’s For John – Hidden History Center Upgrade
21 June 2018
华为云容器全景图,加速互联网引爆5G创新_网易科技:1 天前 · (原标题:华为云容器全景图,加速互联网引爆5G创新) 互联网人都知道,"容器"的出现给传统应用上云提供了快车道,也为云服务全面承载数字 ...
“The reason Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. King were both loved and hated,
both followed and murdered had to do with their use of
“satygraha” or truth force and “ahimsa”
or nonviolent harmlessness. These powerful tools moved them
outside the control game that has secured privilege for a few
over millenia.”
—John Judge, September 1, 2001
This is an invitation to rededicate ourselves
to envision our own liberation and take back our history, power, and moral integrity. ![]() |
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Help STOP Nuclear War Before It’s Too Late
We all have a part to play
4 April 2018
华为云容器全景图,加速互联网引爆5G创新_网易科技:1 天前 · (原标题:华为云容器全景图,加速互联网引爆5G创新) 互联网人都知道,"容器"的出现给传统应用上云提供了快车道,也为云服务全面承载数字 ...
—President John F. Kennedy, UN General Assembly, 25 Sep 1961
The increasing likelihood of nuclear war—not by miscalculation nor
by accident, but by the collective madness of people leading and
promoting the U.S. war machine, in concert with mainstream media
malpractice—is THE supreme threat to all life
on Earth. 50 years ago today the ultimate sacrifice was made by
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of
the 20th century’s greatest peacemakers. King gave his life
championing the world’s poor by opposing the greatest purveyor
of violence on Earth—his own government. Calls for
“honoring Dr. King” betray his life’s purpose
if they do not steadfastly sound the alarm that the push by the West
for war with Russia, which is a mass extinction event waiting to happen.
Nuclear Weapons - The Ultimate Evil
Time’s Up to Kick The Habit
“Nine nations still threaten to incinerate entire cities, to destroy
life on earth, to make our beautiful world uninhabitable for future
generations. The development of nuclear weapons signifies not a
country’s elevation to greatness, but its descent to the
darkest depths of depravity. These weapons are not a necessary evil;
they are the ultimate evil.”
—Setsuko Thurlow, Hiroshima survivor,
speaking 10 Dec 2017
on behalf of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons,
recipient of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize
The Ultimate Necessity
of an International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Eli Martin Schotz, M.D., February 2018
“Any talk today of preventing a nuclear war misses the point that we are actually in a nuclear war right now. The question is not how can we prevent a nuclear war, but how will the nuclear war end? Will it end with the weapons abolishing mankind, or will mankind end this war by abolishing nuclear weapons? Just as war is a process, so is peace. Peace is a process of educating people about nuclear war, helping them organize against this war.”
Back from the Brink ~ The Call to Prevent Nuclear War
We call on the United States to lead a global effort to prevent nuclear war by:
Back from the Brink ~ Critical Analysis, Resources, Updates
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The Truth of The Children of Vietnam: A Way of Liberation
How Will We Challenge Militarism, Racism, and Extreme Materialism?
“The Children of Vietnam”
provides an instance of truth force that is needed more
than ever to counter the fragmentation and doublethink being
amplified by the demands of capital and its accumulation. Because,
tragically and horrifically, what the United States caused to
happen in Vietnam has not stopped. It continues to this day,
magnified on a global scale within numerous theatres of U.S.
military and covert operations including in Iraq, in
Afghanistan, in Yemen.
In denouncing the U.S. war in Vietnam at Riverside Church in 1967
Martin King posed the question on behalf of
Vietnamese peasants: “What do they think as we test out
our latest weapons on them, just as the Germans tested out new
medicine and new tortures in the concentration camps of
Europe?” And this was a war that ended up being
broadcast on nightly news television in the United States
as it became evermore hellish in its results. Said King at
Riverside, “When machines and computers, profit motives
and property rights, are considered more important than people,
the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism, and
militarism are incapable of being conquered.” His
voice, love, compassion, and intelligence are as searingly
relevant right now, half a century later, as
in 1967.
Why President Kennedy Was Assassinated
Concerning the extra-constitutional firing of the 35th President,
the following is proffered as an antidote to the specific set of
illusions and—beginning with the
Warren Commission’s Report—conspiracy
theories presented by state actors, universities, and the media which
promote a fabricated representation of reality through omission,
distortion, falsehood, lack of contextual analysis, and disinforming opinion
stated as obvious, incontestable fact. The essence of the cover-up is
that there is a mystery to debate. There is no mystery. Anyone willing
to look can see clearly who killed President Kennedy and why. The WHY of
the assassination is the key to the crime and its cover-up. We can know
why President Kennedy was assassinated. With this understanding and
knowledge we can navigate the turbulent waters surrounding us today with a
profoundly informed and deeply rooted sense of the meaning and purpose of
our own lives in this irreducible present moment—the only moment we
ever have.
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“It is a sobering thought that better evidence is required to prosecute a
shoplifter than is needed to commence a world war.”
—Anthony Scrivener QC, The Times, 5 Oct 2001
“It is different than the Gulf War was, in the sense that it
may never end. At least, not in our lifetime.”
—Dick Cheney, 21 Oct 2001
Legend has it the Cold War was closed out in 1991. 10 years later, its Next
Generation spawn was inaugurated. 16+ years into this war that will not end
“in our lifetime”, it is our moral responsibility to reveal
its covert and overt roots and, in doing so, end it given that
怎样浏览国外网站 every single day.
“Your loyalty belongs to the human race and not to a flag, not to
a country that’s supposedly under attack from some mystical force
that’s out there that you can’t even identify—I mean,
these terrorists, the way they’re presented to us,
it’s as if they dropped in from outer space. All you know
about them is that they hate you and they want to kill you. You
can’t negotiate with them. You can’t talk to them.
You can’t understand them. All you can do is
kill them. And you got to kill every last one except, you
never know.... It’s like the pod people, you know, maybe
it’s spread to somebody else and then you’ve got to start
killing them.” —手机怎么上外国网站, 21 Feb 2005
Ed Curtin:
Why I Don’t Speak of 9/11 Anymore, Sep 2016
The Lies of 9/11 Miracle Workers - Review of Bush And Cheney:
How They Ruined America And The World, 27 Aug 2017
Graeme MacQueen:
Beyond Their Wildest Dreams: Sep 11 and the US Left, 13 Mar 2017
最近网传近期外国疯狂印钞票,来购买全世界的物资,可以说 ...:今天 · 一定程度上确实可以这么说,外国当前的财政赤字金额已经达到了23万亿外元,就从今年新型冠状病毒在外国的爆发开始,6万亿外元来救市。其中有接近7000多亿外元是直接发放给外国民众的,根据当前外国民众在外国一定时, 31 Aug 2017
John Judge:
September 11 Omission Report, 9 Sep 2004
Historical Framework: Deep Politics & Covert Operations, 9 Sep 2004
[百度网盘]avast网络安全软件许可证文件(2021-04-25到期 ...:2021-6-12 · [百度网盘]avast网络安全软件许可证文件(2021-04-25到期)下载 编辑:文学社区 发表日期: 2021-06-12 09:25:52 浏览:0 摘要: 点点文档为文件聚合搜索引擎,本页缓存用户的搜索结果并加速访问,如需访问最新页面请点击上方"来源地址"按钮,点点文档不存储任何实体文件。
September 11 Critical Analysis, 16 Feb 2002
What the 9/11 Commission Didn’t Report, 21 Feb 2005
Michael Hudson on Junk Economics
and Debt Cancellation, Apr 2017
“How a society defines economic terms
and relationships will determine who controls it.”
I wanted to see how the economy worked [so in the 1960s] I went
to work for banks on Wall Street as a statistician. I became
Chase Manhattan’s balance of payments economist. I wanted
to find out what is the deficit stemming from? The entire balance
of payments deficit in the 1960s when I was working there came
from the military spending abroad. So I found out it was really
the Vietnam War and allied military spending.
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May 29, 2017
False Mystery: Essays on the JFK Assassination
by Vincent J. Salandria
After more than a half century, the historical truth of the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy has been finally
established beyond rational dispute. The Kennedy assassination is
a false mystery. It was conceived by the conspirators to be a
false mystery which was designed to cause interminable debate.
The purpose of the protracted debate was to obscure what was quite
clearly and plainly a coup d’état. Simply stated,
President Kennedy was assassinated by our U.S. national security
state in order to abort his efforts to bring the Cold War to a
peaceful conclusion.
—Vincent Salandria, 2016
Released on the 100th anniversary of
the birth of John Fitzgerald Kennedy,
this an expanded 2017 digital edition.
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Proposed Pipelines In Tribal Homelands
From Aaron Carapella, Indigenous Cartographer Extraordinaire:
2 Dec 2016: I have been working on this map for months. It is a gift
to the community. You can download your free PDF of this map
HERE and use it
for digital presentations or to print your own copy. You can also purchase
it from me in a poster format. If any modifications need to be made,
please don’t hesitate to let me know. We need to think about our
Mother Earth and Tribal rights before building pipelines.
File type: PDF; resolution: 3456 x 3960 points; size: 161 MB;
page size: 48" x 55"
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Welcome to the Front Door of
September 2015 marks the 20th anniversary
of this publication library.
Four 2015 essays express two primary interests of this project:
1. Keep the Balance - John
Trudell’s understanding of
What It Means To Be
A Human Being
2. Increasing Consciousness - Outgrowing Our US Exceptionalism Myth by facing US Settler Colonialism 3. An Expanding Light to Dispel the Darkness: A New Movement to Ban Nuclear Weapons 4. Dr. John W. Gofman: His Life, and Research on the Health Effects of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation |
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August 2015: 70 years ago, nuclear weapons made extinction of all Life on Earth possible.
That prospective reality never went away and its chances keep increasing. If we do not abolish nuclear weapons they will surely abolish us.
Announcing a library set of materials from the Feb 28-Mar 1
Helen Caldicott Foundation’s
Symposium: The Dynamics of Possible Nuclear Extinction
Find within
Symposium background,
of all speakers + Q&As,
educational materials, and
means to
engage with people working to
abolish nuclear weapons.
It is the non-nuclear-weapon states on whom we must depend to drive a
process to ban nuclear weapons, to stigmatize them, to make them
socially and politically unacceptable, to make it harder for nations
to get away with possessing and upgrading them, and to help the
nuclear-weapon states overcome this awful, debilitating addiction.
This flips the traditional arms-control approach on its head. The
humanitarian initiative is about empowering and mobilizing the
rest of the world to say “enough.” It is about
shifting the debate from “acceptable,”
“safe” numbers of nuclear warheads to their
fundamental inhumanity and incompatibility with basic standards
of civilized behaviour. It is about taking away from the
nuclear-armed states the power to dictate the terms of the debate
and to set the agenda—and refusing to perpetuate their
Wright, “A New Movement to Ban Nuclear Weapons”
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300+小时的CPA网课怎么追?11种加速播放器推荐:2021-11-1 · 软件包大小在20MB左右,安装过程不到1分钟,虽然软件是外国的,但是现在专门了中文版,使用体验感还是非常不错的,界面效果: 比较遗憾的是,该软件暂时没有官方的移动版(安卓和苹果均无),这算是一个小小的缺憾。
United States Settler Colonialism
Colonization, Dispossession, Genocide Forms the Core of US History, the Very Source of the Country’s Existence
Will It Be The Future As Well? The Choice Is Ours
We forget ... that violence is so securely founded among us—in war,
in forms of land use, in various methods of economic “growth” and
“development”—because it is immensely profitable. People
do not become wealthy by treating one another or the world kindly and with
respect. Do we not need to remember this? Do we have a single eminent
leader who would dare to remind us?
—Wendell Berry,
Commerce of Violence,” The Progressive, June 2013
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